Year in Review
Emory OTT made its mark on the university and beyond in FY2023.

A Banner Year
In the past fiscal year, Emory University made waves across the university, the nation, and the world. To begin, Emory received a record high of $1 billion in sponsored research funding. Research funding continues to drive activity in the office and our inventors disclosed 240 new inventions to the office. As deal makers, we executed more than 2,000 agreements.
Emory was also ranked #2 in licensing revenue for FY2022 by AUTM, earning $266.7M. This is due, in part, to the success of Emory-invented drug molnupiravir, which helps fight COVID-19. Finally, an article in the Journal of Technology Transfer showed Emory was the third top contributor of FDA-approved drugs and vaccines in the world among public institutions – only behind the NIH and the entire University of California system.
OTT also embarked on a few crucial, behind-the-scenes projects. In addition to handling all outgoing DUAs for the university, we’ve expanded contractConnect so that we can receive all types of MTAs and DUAs online. We also expanded our staff after a brief but substantial turnover; we welcomed seven new staff members this year. I’m looking forward to hitting the ground running in FY24 with a team that's had time to work together and get familiar with the Emory way.
I want to thank my staff for their hard work and dedication this past year. All of these activities, and more, demonstrate your passion and commitment to Emory’s success. Well done!
- Todd Sherer, Associate VP for Research, OTT Executive Director
Todd Sherer, PhD, OTT Executive Director
Todd Sherer
Molnupiravir Bottle & Pills
Molnupiravir: Emory's drug to fight COVID-19
Invented at Emory University, molnupiravir was one of the first approved oral medications for the treatment of COVID-19. Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory (DRIVE), which was formed by Emory to develop early-stage drug candidates for viral diseases of global concern, advanced molnupiravir through an Investigational New Drug submission.
Molnupiravir, previously known as EIDD-2801, was initially developed by DRIVE as a broad-spectrum antiviral against equine encephalitis and influenza, but laboratory tests showed it was also active against coronaviruses. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, DRIVE quickly repurposed this broad-spectrum antiviral drug. It works by forcing the viral enzyme that copies SARS-CoV-2’s genetic material to make so many mistakes that the virus can’t replicate. Molnupiravir can be provided as a pill in an outpatient setting, which could be a step up in ease of distribution and convenience. EIDD-2801 was licensed to Merck through its partner Ridgeback Biotherapeutics.
“My hope is that the drug is able to reduce transmission and lower the burden on an already overburdened health care system.”
On Dec. 23, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that molnupiravir had received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for treatment of COVID-19.
As DRIVE's first big success, molnupiravir continues to make a difference in the lives of patients today. And though it was approved for use in 2021, the revenue it's generated has helped fund Emory's research happening now and in the future.
Annual Celebration of Technology and Innovation 2023
OTT's Annual Celebration of Technology and Innovation honors the astounding research efforts and scientists at Emory. In 2023, we welcomed more than 150 attendees - marking a five-year high and signaling a return to a kind of pre-pandemic normalcy. The awardees honored in this year's event specialize in a range of disciplines including ethnobotany, radiology, nursing, and antiviral studies.
Innovation of the Year: Methods in Improving MRI Quantification and Accuracy. (Left to right: senior licensing associate Catherine Murari-Kanti, awardee Phillip Zhe Sun, and VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles.)
Innovation of the Year: Methods in Improving MRI Quantification and Accuracy. (Left to right: senior licensing associate Catherine Murari-Kanti, awardee Phillip Zhe Sun, and VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles.)
Start-Up of the Year: Focused Cryo. (Left to right: Director of Faculty and Start-up Services Patrick Reynolds, awardee J. David Prologo, and VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
Start-Up of the Year: Focused Cryo. (Left to right: Director of Faculty and Start-up Services Patrick Reynolds, awardee J. David Prologo, and VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
Deal of the Year: Pfizer Inc. – Antiviral Compounds for the Treatment of COVID-19. (Left to right: awardees Zhe Chen, Raymond Schinazi, HongWang Zhang, Mahesh Kasthuri, Franck Amblard, Longhu Zhou, and VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
Deal of the Year: Pfizer Inc. – Antiviral Compounds for the Treatment of COVID-19. (Left to right: awardees Zhe Chen, Raymond Schinazi, HongWang Zhang, Mahesh Kasthuri, Franck Amblard, Longhu Zhou, and VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
Significant Event of the Year: Nyra Medical raised $20 million in Series A financing. (Left to right: licensing director Mark Coburn, awardee Murali Padala, and VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
Significant Event of the Year: Nyra Medical raised $20 million in Series A financing. (Left to right: licensing director Mark Coburn, awardee Murali Padala, and VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
Corporate Partnership of the Year: Bristol Myers Squibb (Left to right: Director of OSP Contracts, Jannette Hannam-Hayes, SVPR Deborah Bruner, awardee Anant Madabhushi, VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles, and Licensing Associate Sat Balachander)
Corporate Partnership of the Year: Bristol Myers Squibb (Left to right: Director of OSP Contracts, Jannette Hannam-Hayes, SVPR Deborah Bruner, awardee Anant Madabhushi, VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles, and Licensing Associate Sat Balachander)
EmpowHER Award: Cassandra Quave (Left to right: licensing associate Sat Balachander, awardee Cassandra Quave, VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
EmpowHER Award: Cassandra Quave (Left to right: licensing associate Sat Balachander, awardee Cassandra Quave, VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity Award (IDEAward): Rasheeta Chandler. (Left to right: SVPR Deborah Bruner, awardee Rasheeta Chandler, licensing associate Shweta Ghai, VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity Award (IDEAward): Rasheeta Chandler. (Left to right: SVPR Deborah Bruner, awardee Rasheeta Chandler, licensing associate Shweta Ghai, VP of Research Administration Robert Nobles)
$1 Billion in Research Awards
Emory University secured more than $1 billion in sponsored research awards during FY23. This unprecedented achievement builds on an increase in faculty proposals and breaks our previous record of $944.5 million last fiscal year. Crossing this mark places Emory among a select group of elite universities to reach $1 billion in awards, an amount that represents a growth of 55% since we achieved $689m five years ago.
This increase will enable us to continue to fulfill our mission of creating, preserving, and applying knowledge in the service of humanity.
#2 in AUTM Licensing Revenue
Earning $266.7M, Emory was ranked #2 in licensing revenue for AUTM's Annual Licensing Survey for FY22. The primary driver of this income is the COVID-19 antiviral molnupiravir.
Research is a team sport, and this milestone is a testament to the stellar work of everyone who helped us achieve it.
Revenue from groundbreaking products discovered at Emory is put back into promising research, helping us continue to impact patient care.
#3 in Drug Discovery
Emory was recently ranked #3 in an analysis of new drug discoveries by public institutions, contributing more FDA-approved drugs and vaccines than any other public institution in the world except the University of California system and the National Institutes of Health. The study, published in April in the Journal of Technology Transfer, analyzed international public-sector contributions to Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs and vaccines in search of a clearer understanding of worldwide biomedical innovation.
Dennis Liotta, PhD, named one of five Faces of American Innovation
In August 2023, the Bayh-Dole Coalition honored Emory's Dennis Liotta with their inaugural American Innovator Award, naming him one of five "Faces of American Innovation."
With the development of emtricitabine and lamivudine, Liotta's work on chemical compounds helped to transform HIV from a death sentence into a manageable illness.
Two Emory researchers named NAI Fellows
George Painter, PhD, and Ray Dingledine, PhD, have been named fellows of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), the highest professional distinction accorded to academic inventors.
NAI Fellows are academic inventors who have "created or facilitated inventions that have made a tangible impact on quality of life, economic development and the welfare of society."
Khalid Salaita earns €500k Merck Future Insights Prize
Khalid Salaita, PhD, received the prize for his work on Rolosense, a viral sensing technology with the potential to become a passive monitoring system to detect aerosolized virus particles.
The prestigious award is given to a researcher whose work currently lays the foundation for a “dream product” that is important for the future survival of humanity.
Todd Sherer elected to COGR board
OTT Executive Director Todd Sherer, PhD, joined the 2023-24 COGR Board of Directors. COGR, or the Council on Governmental Relations, is an association of leading research institutions. It advises on financial and regulatory infrastructures and corresponding compliance requirements associated with managing federal research grants and contracts within research institutions.
Emory start-ups see success in FY23
Emory start-ups had an excellent year on several fronts:
- Nyra Medical raised a $20M Series A
- Sanguina closed $2.8M Series A
- Meissa Vaccines announced positive safety and immunogenicity data of RSV vaccine MV-012-968 to protect infants and toddlers
- Neurotrauma Sciences had an IND filing and dosed their first patient in Phase I
In FY23, OTT helped form eight start-ups. As for the companies formed in previous years, 103 are still active.
Students and interns learn tech transfer
OTT's internship and student employment program give real-world experience and insight into the tech transfer industry. This year, we worked with 16 students and interns. But since the program's inception, we've had 166 interns and 41 student employees. Nine interns have become full-time employees at Emory OTT.
Without a doubt, I can credit my OTT internship as a reason for why I was able to receive several interviews and job offers.
Could OTT's intern program be for you? Learn more and apply here.
FY23 By the Numbers
$92.6 billion in research funding and 24,299 invention disclosures for all U.S. universities.
$1 billion in sponsored research awards went to Emory - a record high for the university.
1,976 active technologies in OTT's portfolio
49 U.S. patents issued to Emory inventors in FY23
$1.3B in cumulative revenue for Emory since FY1992
$24 million - the majority of FY23 revenue - went to the university, departments, schools, and inventors. The rest went to co-owners, labs, and legal and miscellaneous fees.
These numbers are a testament to the hard work of many. Congratulations to all who made it happen - and who are instrumental in bringing Emory innovations from bench to bedside.
Want more facts and figures? See how OTT's stats stack up.
Looking Ahead
In his letter above, Todd called FY23 "a banner year," and he couldn't be more accurate.
But with the growth of artificial intelligence, strengthening our team, and continuing to be a resource for faculty, there's still more work to be done.
As one fiscal year closes, we're excited to see what opportunities, challenges, and chances to connect the next year will bring.
Stay up to date with us OTTers throughout the year by following us on LinkedIn!