OTT has collected quarterly and annual metrics that provide a clear view of our activities. We then visualized that data through accessible charts and tables. These charts and tables reveal how our work benefits OTT as well as our partners, faculty, and entrepreneurs.

Material Transfer and Data Use Agreements

OTT assists our research, clinical, and teaching faculty by negotiating the materials transfer agreements (MTA) and data use agreements (DUA) necessary for them to perform their work. This graph, and companion table, show the number of agreements negotiated annually by OTT to facilitate the exchange of biological materials and data to and from Emory University.

Charts and Tables

To see a data point roll-over data point.

To remove a series from the graph, click on the series name in the legend.

To return it to the graph, click on the name again.

To explode a slice on a pie chart, click on the slice.

To return it, click on it again.

To print an individual graph, click on the printer icon in the upper right corner. To export a graphic file of the graph click on the download icon in the upper right corner.

Material Transfer and Data Use Agreements by Fiscal Year

Average Incoming Turnaround Time is 11.3 Days

Fiscal YearNo. MTAsAverage No. Days