Emory OTT Start-up Survey Results

Emory University has been fortunate to have a rich history in its start-up portfolio. The portfolio consists of 103 companies with 57 of those being Georgia based. These companies are spread across pharma (46), devices (19), diagnostics (10), software (15) and other (13). Currently, there are 40 products that went to market from 27 different companies.
Other start-up facts:
- 13 (13%) went public
- 16 (16%) companies were merged or acquired
- 68 (66%) are still active
- more than 1,700 total workers were employed, at peak
As far as funding, Emory start-ups received more than:
- $158 million in non-dilutive funding (20 companies receiving SBIR; 38 receiving GA Research Alliance)
- $2.1 billion in private investment capital (25 companies receiving venture capital funding)
- $512 million in public investment capital (13 companies that went public)
- $14.2 billion from mergers & acquisitions (16 companies merged or acquired)
- 40 products
- 27 different companies
- 12 pharma; 12 software; 7 device; 7 diagnostic; 4 other