Healthcare Software: Training & Education
Improving the Next Generation of Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare professionals are not made overnight. To become an expert in patient education and care requires years of training and education. In support of Emory's mission to improve human well-being, Emory University and Emory Healthcare faculty and physicians have developed several tools to help train and educate physicians, patients, and society.
Educational Apps
Citizen Science HD
Citizen Science HD is an educational tool and mobile app created by Emory University researchers. This STEM initiative includes several curricula, academies, after-school programs and a citizen science app that can be incorporated in classrooms. The STEM program aims to stimulate critical thinking in students through utilizing and understanding Big Data in K-12 schools. In addition to being incorporated in classrooms, community outreach programs, events, and after-school programs, this STEM initiative can also apply Citizen Science and STEM principles to impact broader human health. The Citizen Science HD initiative was created with the goal to increase diversity in STEM and encourage under-represented individuals and populations to pursue STEM careers. (View our Techid: 19126 technology brief)
Mobile App for Caregivers of Infants with Congenital Heart Disease
Congenital heart disease (CHD), the most common birth defect, often leaves children with abnormally structured hearts or large vessels that have the potential to be dangerous, if not fatal, to the child. Although, in some cases the effects may not be drastic or even noticeable, some children may require surgery before being released from the hospital, and many more require complicated treatment and care plans, including feeding plans, once released. To aid caregivers in delivering these complex treatment plans, Emory researchers have developed a mobile application to connect caregivers to clinicians, provide caregiving tips and encourage self-care for caregivers. (View our Techid: 13213 technology brief)
Mobile App for Disseminating Scientific Information
As technologies continue to advance, the ability to stay up-to-date has never been easier with news resources and smartphone apps that bring the whole world to your fingertips. Former infectious disease specialist George Mathew, MD and cardiologist Neal Bhatia, MD developed an application to increase accessibility to information regarding major scientific and medical advances, focusing on chronic medical conditions. The mobile application will include the expertise of clinicians and researchers on treatment options, clinical trials or other relevant information for both patients and the general public. (View our Techid: 15020 technology brief)
Despite the fact that vaccines have proven to effectively prevent millions of infectious disease cases each year, many parents refuse to have their children vaccinated due to false information on the web, message boards, and blogs. This refusal has contributed to a decline in vaccination rate and outbreaks of preventable disease in the developed world. ReadyVax is an app created by the Emory Preparedness and Emergency Response Center (PERRC) with the purpose to increase vaccination rates and share reputable information about a variety of vaccines and disease. This app can be utilized by physicians, pharmacists, and the general public. (View our Techid: 17207 technology brief)
Training Tools
CBCT (Cognitively-Based Compassion Training) Manual
Studies have shown preserving mental health and practicing self-compassion has been linked to lower stress levels and improved immune function as well as lessening effects of trauma and depression. Since research suggests that self-compassion is trainable in individuals, Emory researchers have developed a six-part Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT) manual to provide teaching and learning tools for practicing compassion. The manual may be used in research, counseling centers, hospitals and other institutions. (Techid: 19077)
RADIANT: Software for the Creation, Sharing, and Viewing of Medical Images for Educational Purposes
The distribution of high-quality annotated medical images has often relied on email or external storage among radiologists, students and medical residents. RADIANT was designed to improve the creation, sharing, and viewing of medical images for teaching and testing. The software facilitates the addition of annotations and offers assessments in which the students' knowledge of topics may be tested. Standalone PC and Android applications have been developed and development for the iOS is underway. (View our Techid: 13016 technology brief)